Members of NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group meet with Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany in Berlin
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On June 25, the deputies of the NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group met with the Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany Tobias Lindner.

The deepening of Armenia-Germany bilateral cooperation in the political, economic, energy and in a number other spheres was highlighted at the meeting.

The sides discussed the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, emphasizing the constructive role of Germany in that issue.

The Armenian MPs presented to Tobias Lindner the Crossroads of Peace project and the perspectives of the economic development of the region.

Special reference was made to the development and strengthening of the RA-EU relations.

The Head of the NA Civil Contract Faction, the member of the Armenia-Germany Friendship Group Hayk Konjoryan, deputies Babken Tunyan, Rustam Bakoyan,, Mikayel Tumasyan and Hripsime Hunanyan are in the delegation.

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