It is proposed to give an opportunity to libraries to carry out certain economic activity
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It is proposed by the draft to establish electronic and public libraries, cultural educational, information centre (loft) concepts, to fix the demand of replenishing the fund of the Armenian studies of the foreign important libraries. The RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Alfred Kocharyan informed this.

At June 11 sitting, the parliament in the first reading debated the draft law stipulating addenda and amendments to the law on Libraries and Library Work.

The Deputy minister added that the goals of the use of the libraries are specified, including the economic one.

The Executive also proposes the libraries to give an opportunity to render additional services, particularly, to prepare and to sell souvenirs, to implement educational programmes, to regularly publish books. To make office supplies, to carry out cade activity, as well as to organize trade exhibitions. Authorizing norms will be set for a number of programmes being implemented by the state.

The exemplary description of the library staff positions, the attestation order of the state library staff will be approved by the draft law.

According to Alfred Kocharyan. In case of the adoption of the law, the libraries can also become social-educational institutes for all layers of the society by ensuring the environment of non-formal education and entertainment.

The rapporteur informed that while revising the draft the appropriate legislation of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), as well as of Latvia, Estonia and Russia.

The co-rapporteur, the Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Taguhi Ghazaryan informed that the designing economic certain activity will promote the self-financing of the libraries. She noted that the economic activity should not disrupt and contradict the library activity. “While implementing each programme the library should get permission by an authorized body,” the MP said. She also highlighted the attestation order of the library staff, which will boost the increase in their salary. The Deputy Chair of the Committee informed that during the period from the first to the second reading a debate will be organized with the representatives of the Ministry and libraries. She called on her colleagues to vote for the draft.

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