Hakob Arshakyan’s welcome speech at official opening ceremony of Armenian National Supercomputing Center
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The RA NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan took part in the official opening ceremony of the Armenian National Supercomputing Center, which was held in the Engineering City.

During the event the RA NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan gave a welcome speech. First, the NA Vice President touched upon the priorities of the state and documented: “We wish to create the best opportunities for all the people, scientists and engineers, who wish to be engaged with creative work. This is very important, because the scientist, who has no office, equipment, appropriate software, in practice, in many cases, it is impossible for him to have world class printable articles. The same refers to the engineers, who without equipment, without relevant infrastructures cannot be engaged with creative work.”

To the NA Vice President’s conviction, this is the main factor, because of which after the collapse of the USSR people being engaged with creative work left our country. In this respect, he emphasized the opening of the Supercomputing Center. In this context Hakob Arshakyan also related to the importance of the necessity of the knowledge and underscored: “If you have infrastructure, but you don’t have knowledge, content, set problems, people who can use them, it becomes senseless.”

The NA Vice President highlighted the Engineering City being built, the activity of the companies working there, the activities of the scientists working in the National Academy of Science (NAS) and in the universities and stated with satisfaction the during the last 2-3 years new high technological companies entered in our country.

Hakob Arshakyan spoke about the effective implementation of the new, as well as already existing initiatives, touched upon the launching of the content programs of science financing and doubling the science financing. “I would like to call on the scientific, engineering community for making more efforts that all the means be effectively spent at best,” the RA NA Vice President mentioned.

Hakob Arshakyan underscored the investments being made by the state in the improvement of education quality, valued the updating and investment programs of science laboratories in schools, which, according to the RA NA Vice President, are initiatives aimed at future.

In the end of his speech Hakob Arshakyan expressed his gratitude to all supported structures, and due to their efforts the establishment of the Supercomputing Center became a reality.

Let us note that by the consent of family of the world famous Armenian Chanson Charles Aznavour the Supercomputing Center was named after the composer’s name.

The Director of the Institute for Informatics and Automation of RA NAS Problems Hrachya Astsatryan spoke about the new opportunities being created by the Center and the latter.

Afterwards the solemn opening ceremony of the Supercomputing Center took place.

The RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, the Governor of the Central Bank Martin Galstyan, the Country Manager of the World Bank for Armenia Carolin Geginat, the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia, Ambassador Vassilis Maragos, representatives of diplomatic corps, scientists, engineers and guests participated in the event.

The purpose of the Engineering City program is to promote the further development of engineering and high technologies through the establishment of the Engineering City in Armenia, boosting the rise of competiveness and productivity of the economy in our country.

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